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BrightLight provides consultant services to small businesses and entrepreneurs to them better run the day-to-day dirty work of their business and focus on long-term success. In addition to business coaching, I offer companion services around outsourced bookkeeping and document management; project management and organization so you can spend more of your time on your business while the operational aspects are taken care of professionally and reliably.

My Mission

The Mission of BrightLight Services is to help small and independent businesses and entrepreneurs succeed by providing ground-level operational services, support and coaching.

What I Do

Many entrepreneurs are very successful at what their business does. They're excellent artists, musicians, writers or engineers. But success at these things isn't nearly enough to run a successful business because no matter what your focus is, you still have to run a business and that's an entirely seperate challenge and often requires a set of skills that aren't core to the other things you're really good at and that you want to sell and offer to clients.

If you have a business, you have to deal with paperwork. You have to deal with finances and sales and marketing (and you can be great at marketing someone else but terrible at marketing yourself!). You have to set goals and measure your success at reaching them. You have to manage your time across all of these activities. At best, you do these things but resent the time it takes away from the real activities that make you money and make you happy. At worst, you ignore them and fail to have the information and infrastructure you need to move forward. In either case, you've come to realize that you need help. That's where I come in...

My Services

Business Coaching

If you just need a friendly but objective ear to talk through some of your blocks or need someone else to evaluate the plans you've put in place, I can provide that for you. We'll first meet to come up with the scope of our discussions - goal-setting, time management and planning are common topics - and how to focus on those. We'll meet regularly while you work on specific tasks related to these topics as they apply to your specific business. I'll provide feedback and challenge some of your assumptions but also provide a safe space for you to work out the thoughts and ideas that are holding you back from true business success. Increasingly, I've been finding that clients who struggle with specific operational challenges just need a forum to work out their ideas and some very light guidance and encouragement - and sometimes just someone else to "report in to" - to move foward. You likely already know how to succeed, let me give you the structure and permission to do so.

Coaching is provided either in-person or via phone or videochat on an hourly basis.

Systems Building

Having systems and procedures for routine transactions and activities makes everything you do more efficient. I can help you create workflows (physical and visual via charts and diagrams), documentation (procedure manuals, operations manuals, decision trees, scripts) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems for every part of your business operation. I can also work with you to train any staff you have in using these systems.

These services are available on an hourly basis.

Project Management

If you have a longer term project that you need organized and managed please talk to me. I have extensive project management experience and can consult with you on how to get your next project set up and managed through the entire length of the project.

This service is available on a limited basis for established clients.